15 April 2013

Tuesday Poem: 'Sylvia and Ted'

This feels like cheating, as it's one I prepared earlier, but here's me reading my poem 'Sylvia and Ted':

More Tuesday poems on the hub blog: http://tuesdaypoem.blogspot.com/

02 April 2013

Tuesday Poem: 'Sigourney Weaver and the Dream Father' by Emma Barnes

A few weeks ago was The Difficult Second Twitter Poetry Night NZ on Twitter. If you missed it, or want to relive it, you can find it 'Storified' here: http://storify.com/ashleigh_young/the-difficult-second-twitter-poetry-night. There were lots of wonderful poems in wonderful voices - the voices sound so warm. I shared 'Emily Dickinson at home'.

But the poem I wanted to share as my Tuesday poem is Emma Barnes's 'Sigourney Weaver and the Dream Father'. I also heard Emma read it recently at Valhalla (in Raumati, rather than the mythical place), and I like it very much. My fav bit is I think the bit where Sigourney Weaver turns the tap on the phone. You'll have to listen to it:

Also, it's the Tuesday Poem blog's third birthday (my god!) and so we're writing an accumulating communal poem. I've just left my bit: http://tuesdaypoem.blogspot.co.nz/2013/04/3rd-birthday-communal-jazz-poem.html. More Tuesday poems in the sidebar, including my poem 'Curtains', which Mary McCallum is sharing on her blog this week: http://mary-mccallum.blogspot.co.nz/2013/04/tuesday-poem-curtains-by-helen-rickerby.html