Cape Reinga, New Year’s DayThe yellow glow
through the roof of our tent
wakes us early
the sun is just peering over the hills
is still yawning and stretching
as we pack up and go
It’s only around the corner
where the tar-seal stops
and the gravel begins
from here, you must
slow down
you must prepare
When we get there
we don’t even speak
We walk down the seagrass slope to the lighthouse
I in my bare feet, feeling the prick and give
The sky vaults above us
the blue ocean glass
as the sun shines through
where the oceans meet
where souls depart
The light is brighter, whiter
thicker than anywhere else
We come together
photograph each other
holding my journal in front
with the date and time, as proof
AMBack at the car park
We send a postcard to our southern selves
‘Remember this’

This is another from
Heading North, because my copies of the book arrived today!! I had suspicions that they would be in most post box today, and so I went to check before going to work, and there they were! They are more gorgeous in the 'flesh' (or rather paper, card, cloth and ink) than in the pictures. The cover of each is also slightly different, slight individualised - the hill shape slightly different, the 'road' shapes wider or narrower.
This poem is probably the heart of the collection, for me at least. It's one of my favs. I read it tonight at the Poetry Society open reading to celebrate the books' arrival, and was very proud to be able to show some people my book. As a physical object it's a work of art, and I hope people will like the poems too!
Should you wish to purchase a copy, you can have a chat to me, or you can contact
Parsons Bookshop in Auckland, who stock the books and do mail orders, or you can wait a short time and buy it from the
Dunedin Public Art Gallery, who have an online shop. You might want the ISBN, which is: 978-0-9864616-6-8. It retails for $45, which is a lot for a book of poetry, I know, but if you have a look at a copy, you'll see all the hand work that has gone into it, and you'll understand why.
Ok, so that's my Tuesday poem - for more Tuesday Poems visit the hub blog: This week is a really interesting poem by US poet Heather Davis, posted by US poet Eileen Moeller.