21 March 2011

Tuesday Poem: 'The Truth the Dead Know', by Anne Sexton

If you can't view the YouTube clip above, then click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkCHYVgXHiQ

Reading Siobhan Harvey's Lost Relatives recently sent me back to Anne Sexton, as Siobhan has a couple of Anne-Sexton related poems at the end of the collection. So today, an audio poem of Sexton reading her own poem. Also, because there's been so much death around lately - both big disasters, and little disasters, which are no less big for the people who have lost someone they love.

Check out the other Tuesday poems on the Tuesday Poem blog: http://tuesdaypoem.blogspot.com/


Mary McCallum said...

Terrific, Helen, thank you. Such strong language - the sea 'like an iron gate' - the wind 'stones from a white mountain' - or something like that. And this: 'we are twice marked and twice alone' - again apologies for errors - I am writing it by memory, the language stuck there as strong language does.

Siobhan Harvey said...

Oh, helen, fabulous - and audio too - how did you locate it (says the awful Luddite, I). We carry the poets who lived in the past like Sexton with us through the present, and in so doing keep the poet and her/his work alive for those who come after us,