They’ve done a couple for JAAM, with the recreation of the famous Beatles’ Abbey Road on JAAM 21, Greatest Hits starting the whole thing off.
The Winter Readings always have an album/band theme, my favourites

I’ve previously pointed out to Mark that his album covers lack women. I suggested doing a Hole cover and he was enthusiastic, deciding he’d be Courtney Love!
Unfortunately the article doesn’t seem to be online, but it can be found on page E3 of the Dominion Post, Saturday 5 January 2008.
Yeah, that was a pretty amazing full-page bit. A lot of them I hadn't seen before, too. :-) Go team JAAM!
Thanks Morgue, and congratulations yourself!
I announced to everyone in the household that the guy in the article was Helen's Friend. Appropriate gasps of awe followed. L xx
Famous by association!
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