08 April 2009

Hail! issue one, or, other places to send stuff

If you frequent downtown Wellington, you might come across this colourful wee zine. It’s published by a friend of mine who goes by the name of Fluke. I met him when he very kindly let me organise the launch for Scott Kendrick’s Cold Comfort, Cold Concrete in the middle of his photography exhibition at Thistle Hall.

Fluke, being an enterprising chap, decided he wanted to start a zine, and so got a bunch of his friends to write things for it. This issue, being the first, was the Virgin Issue, and inside is an eclectic bunch of pieces, by an eclectic bunch of people, including a poem (prose poem really), by me. There’s also recipes for virgin (ie non-alcoholic) cocktails, photography, essays-ish things, and other bits of writing.

Fluke is inviting submissions for the second issue, which has the theme of DIY (as in, do it yourself).

He says: 'If you would like to contribute to the next issue of Hail!, simply apply the theme to a story, poem, photo, illustration, cartoon, review, recipe or anything else, and email to me on fluke.info@gmail.com.'

I’m already working on my masterpiece. The deadline is the end of this month (31 April 2009).


strong light said...

so, where would I find copies? Any ideas?

Helen Rickerby said...

Hiya strong light! He said a bunch of cafes, and he also said he'd left quite a few in Good as Gold. Also, I have a few, so I could give you one.